BY Ashley Brown Recently I was contacted by 2 young professionals. They had been married for just over 5 years and had never been offered a review on their personal insurance with their insurance provider. After seeing an Event post on my Facebook page about the importance of a local agent reviewing your insurance every 1-2 years, they reached out to me to complete a comprehensive review on their policies. During this process I was able to review their coverage limits, as well as their endorsements, to be sure their policy was specifically tailored to them and their needs. I was also able to confirm that all of their applicable discounts were accounted for on their policy. I was provided a copy of their current homeowners, automobile and motorcycle declarations and quickly noticed several coverage gaps and missed premium discounts. All together they were insured through 3 companies alongside 2 agencies. I noted that their automobiles were never bundled into one policy, missing a large discount. I was able to propose a quote including a multicar discount, as well as the multipolicy discount alongside the homeowners. Moving forward into the review, I was able to educate my clients on what auto and motorcycle liability protection is as well as the importance of having adequate limits. After our discussion they understood the financial impact it could have on their lives, essentially paying more out of pocket if they were to cause injury or property damage to others, since they were carrying the state minimum liability requirements. They were unaware that their policy would only pay out $25,000/person for any bodily injury claim they were responsible for, and they would be deemed responsible to pay any overage outside of insurance as a liable party. Moving forward with my review, I noted several unmatched deductibles, one of which would be a high and unaffordable expense out of pocket if they were involved in an at fault accident. After completing my proposal quotes alongside my carriers, I was able to bundle in a much better protection plan with 3x as much liability coverage, I included lower and more affordable deductibles, and still was able to save over $1,000 annually on their insurance premiums. I was also able to provide my recommendations on the homeowners insurance, noticing several coverage gaps in their current policy. Observing they did not have any water-backup & sewer drain coverage for their basement, I educated them on the importance of having this endorsement to protect any water remediation from back up drain & sump pump failure, which is typically excluded under any home policy unless endorsed. All in all, I was able to bundle in a much better comprehensive package on their homeowners as well including water-backup for their basement and still provide a premium savings.

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