Tag: benefits

The End of GLP-1 Shortages–What Employers Need to Know

The end of GLP-1 Shortages-What Employers Need to Know. The FDA recently declared that the shortage of GLP-1 medications is over—for now. This shift could mean that access to compounded, less expensive weight loss medications will become limited, if not inaccessible. This change could push patients back to the doctor for prescriptions for higher-priced medications, […]

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Employee Benefits Definition: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Options

A strong employee benefits package helps organizations build and maintain successful teams. As an employer, understanding the complexities of benefits administration—from coverage requirements to cost management—directly impacts your ability to support and retain valuable employees. Many business owners and HR professionals face challenging decisions about which benefits to offer and how to structure their programs […]

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The Dark Side of the Healthcare System: Why it is Failing Our Community

Healthcare is failing our community. Despite being one of the wealthiest nations in the world, millions of Americans struggle to pay the high costs of healthcare, and while there is no single solution to this complex issue, there are steps that can be taken to address it.The relationship between doctors, hospitals and insurance companies known […]

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Don’t Let Post-Enrollment Oversights Lead to Costly Penalties

Don’t Let Post-Enrollment Oversights Lead to Costly Penalties. The beginning of the year can be an exciting time for businesses—employees return to work refreshed, and a new fiscal year begins, leading to new budgets and hiring plans. But as the first quarter begins and operations resume, now is not the time to put the brakes […]

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High-cost Claimants: Is the Affordability of Your Benefits Plan at Risk?

High-cost Claimants: Is the Affordability of Your Benefits Plan at Risk? For most employers, prescription drugs, doctor fees or an unexpected visit to the emergency room is top of mind when considering high-cost claimants and their benefits program. The last thing is usually a cancer diagnosis.But with more people being diagnosed with cancer every year, […]

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Balancing HR Burnout and the Demands of Open Enrollment

Balancing HR burnout and the demands of Open enrollment. Open enrollment can be considerably overwhelming for HR leaders who—for many companies—take full responsibility for not only researching the variety of options available but also communicating the selections clearly to employees. And while choosing benefits may seem like a straightforward process, it can be very complex.Lack […]

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Stay Curious — The Difference a Benefits Specialist Can Make

The difference a Benefits Specialist can make. A medical specialist needs to have excellent communication skills and expertise to accurately diagnose and treat defined conditions. Similarly, a benefits consultant needs to have in-depth knowledge of employee benefits to offer useful advice and recommendations. Both roles require specialized knowledge and a high level of expertise to […]

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Choice Overload and Your Benefits Program

Choice overload and your benefits program. The pressure to provide a cost-effective, comprehensive healthcare program to attract and retain top talent is something that employers strive to accomplish in today’s competitive labor market. Yet the desire to create a benefits program that appeals to everyone could actually have the opposite effect.Too many choices can distract […]

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Prior Authorization and Your Program – A Benefit. Not A Burden

Prior Authorization and Your Program – A Benefit. Not A Burden. While obtaining approval for medical treatments or medication can feel like a burden, imagine taking a medication that produces serious side effects when taken with another drug you are already on, or receiving treatment for a condition only to find out you were diagnosed […]

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Transform Your Benefits with a Direct Primary Care Model

Transform your benefits with a direct primary care model. Many employers recognize the importance of employee benefits, but with rising costs and the perceived value of traditional health plans diminishing, some employers — and employees — are searching for alternative solutions.With a traditional healthcare model, patients are rarely seen by the doctor for more than […]

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What People Say

Conner Insurance has set the standard for superior guidance and exceptional service for more than 70 years.

Cheryl Wood

Association of Christian Schools International

We always look forward to new ideas from Conner Insurance to help us improve our benefits and contain costs. The Conner team brings a different perspective, energy, and commitment to designing a benefits program for our non-profit ministry and is a pleasure to work with.

Aaron Robertson

HandledNow LLC

Conner seems to be proactive in their approach to communication about anything we need to be aware of. Everyone we work with at Conner seems to care about the success of our business.

Craig Freyenberger

Baptist Children's Home

Conner Insurance excels at informing us of the current market conditions and how that might affect us. The Conner team contacts us regularly and visit us, even though we are hours away! Conner now has a local account representative which is great. Conner is a resource we use frequently to bounce ideas off.

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