Category: Uncategorized
Identify Proactive Health Benefits Advisors: 3 Qualities to Look For
BY RYAN SPENCER We recently met with a prospect who was sick of benefits advisors. In the past, he had worked with a litany of advisors who promised incredible results but delivered the same vanilla services and lackluster performance as everyone else. Most years, he felt like his advisor forgot about his existence until he […]
Spin Your Benefits Flywheel: How to Get the Most Value Out of Your Health Care Program
BY RYAN SPENCER The Flywheel Concept was popularized by Jim Collins in his legendary business book, Good to Great. The idea is that, over time, a series of choices can grow the momentum of a business, but it’s difficult to get the flywheel spinning at first and the rewards of those early efforts are not […]
Illuminate Your Blind Spots To Improve Your Health Care Program
BY BEN CONNER Great leaders hunt down their blind spots to optimize their performance. They read about the latest innovations. They study their competitors. They find inspiration from companies in separate industries. Despite their efforts, many business leaders unknowingly allow blind spots to grow around their health care program. A great advisor will help you […]
Become the Hero Your Company Health Plan Needs: How to Channel Your Inner Batman
BY BEN CONNER With Halloween around the corner, our kids have talked non-stop about costumes. After wandering through rows and rows of Sonic the Hedgehog, Spiderman, and clown outfits, I started thinking about our professional alter egos. With a laugh, it occurred to me that the executives and HR professionals who actively strive to streamline […]
Have You Established Your Health Benefits Contingency Plan? 3 Questions You Should Ask
BY RYAN SPENCER The coronavirus and the resulting economic recession blindsided companies all over the country. Leaders have responded with a variety of cost-cutting tactics, from layoffs to reduced hours to mandatory work-from-home. But there’s another tactic available that few leaders have used: A health benefits contingency plan. By re-evaluating their plan needs, company leaders […]
Evaluating the Potential Impact of Health Benefits Plan Changes: 6 Factors to Consider
BY BEN CONNER Change is scary. When there’s an unknown that could significantly impact the health of your business and its employees, you have every right to feel nervous. But change is also necessary. In the ever-evolving business world, your company has a responsibility to read market trends and react accordingly. If your business must […]
How to Turn Your Health Plan into a Win-Win For Your Company and Its Employees
BY BEN CONNER Company health plans commonly feel like a lose-lose for both the business and its employees. The benefits are stressful for employers because of their ever-growing costs, and employees are stressed by premiums, co-pays, and plan details. By taking a comprehensive, measured approach to health benefits, you can create win-win opportunities within your […]
Designing a Health Care Plan That’s Right For Your Company
BY RYAN SPENCER As advisors, we partner with our clients to deliver the best health plan possible. Establishing a meaningful relationship requires a deep understanding of the company’s structure, culture, leadership, and employees. To reach this point, we spend much of our time early in the partnership immersing ourselves in the business by interviewing the […]
Decisions For Fully-Insured Renewals: Are You Facing a 40% Rate Increase?
BY RYAN SPENCER The coronavirus has threatened businesses all over the world, and now it could force dramatic increases in insurance premiums for fully-insured companies. One analysis predicts that rates could jump by up to 40% in 2021 if the coronavirus continues to infect Americans. In the face of such enormous rate hikes, the responsibility […]
Making Benefits Changes in the Face of Uncertainty
BY BEN CONNER Health care benefits are ever-evolving. Policies change. Regulations shift. Whether it’s the Affordable Care Act or a global pandemic, making informed decisions around employee benefits can feel impossible. As we brace for an uncertain future, many business leaders feel tempted to stick with the status quo inside their benefits plan. Although their […]