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Life Events: Wedding Insurance

Wedding season has officially begun, and for the happiest day of your life, you must be covered!  Even though love is in the air, accidents can still happen. What if your photographer loses your images or your venue goes out of business a month before your wedding?  Purchasing wedding insurance helps you to eliminate wedding day worries! What Does a Typical Policy Cover?
  • Venue – Policy covers the costs of unavoidable cancellation (damage to the venue) and if he venue is in an unusable condition due to fire, an electrical outage or has closed. Some policies will also cover the rehearsal dinner site as well.
  • Weather – If weather conditions prevent the bride, groom or relative(s) whose presence is essential to the wedding or a majority of the guests from arriving to the wedding site, policy covers the cost of rescheduling the event, including all details, such as flowers, food, etc.
  • Attire – Policy pays to repair/replace special attire (garments worn by the bride, groom or bridal party) if they are lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Military or Job Transfer – Policy covers the postponement of the wedding due to the bride or groom being called into military duty or forced to make a last-minute job transfer.
Additional Coverage Options
  • Photography – Covers the cost of retaking photographs if the photographer fails to show up or if image negatives are lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Videographer – Policy pays to have a video montage created, video compilation of photographs or retaking the video using restaging techniques if the video is damaged.
  • Gifts – Policy pays for the cost of repairing or replacing non-monetary gifts that are lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Personal Liability – Policy covers bodily injury or property damage caused by accidents that occur during the wedding.
  • Honeymoon – Certain policies include optional travel insurance for the honeymoon.
Other Precautions to Consider In addition to purchasing a wedding insurance policy, remember these precautions to avoid a wedding day mishap:
  • > Do extensive research on the vendors you select. Get references from family members, friends and other local couples, and obtain a reliability report from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) before signing on the dotted line.
  • > Keep your deposits small, as most are non-refundable. By limiting your deposit amounts, you will protect against a large loss if you need to reschedule or cancel your wedding.
  • > Use a credit card versus a personal check to pay for services, as it is easier to dispute charges when using a credit card. Also, save receipts for all purchases in case of a problem.
If you would like to know more about Wedding Insurance, our staff is available to answer any questions you may have. Reach out to:

Rachel Conner


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