Gain Valuable Insight into New and Exciting Strategies

Gain insight into new strategies
Gain valuable insight into new and exciting strategies. Making changes to any business program or protocol can feel intimidating. But whether the company decides to add an online process, modify the way payroll is received or change aspects of the benefits program, change is an inevitable part of business.

The problem is; change is often thought of as a challenge rather than an opportunity. That online process could be more efficient, delivering payroll electronically could reduce error, and making changes to your benefits program could provide employees with higher quality, lower cost care. 

Gaining clarity and having distinct goals can help you see change as an opportunity rather than a challenge or obstacle to overcome. This can be especially true when it comes to your benefits program. When proposing a new strategy or change in your plan, your consultant should discuss the pros, cons and expectations with you. Be prepared to ask questions and if you aren’t satisfied with the answers, seek outside opinions.


Ask your consultant to hear from other employers who have made the same or similar changes to their plan. Gaining proficient perspectives from other employers can give you a better understanding of new processes and address any concerns you may have. Other employers are likely to share triumphs and struggles they experienced, answer questions openly, and provide you with recommendations on how to implement the strategies successfully.

After speaking with other employers, follow up with your consultant to find out what steps you need to take to avoid potential gaps in coverage and ensure your people are able to navigate new changes comfortably. For example, some strategies may require employees to pre-certify procedures, or pharmacy may change the brand of medication available to members. Knowing in advance how changes to your program will affect your people is essential so you can develop a training and support protocol.


A defined strategy with clear goals can help make change easier for you and your people. The first step is learning more about the proposed change, and that means reaching out to others who are experienced and can give you valuable insight.

This May, at the NextGen Healthcare Summit, you will have the chance to talk to three employers who have changed their benefits program. Each employer comes from a different industry which will allow a variety of viewpoints to be shared. They will speak about the challenges they overcame, the lessons they learnt and how they successfully implemented new strategies into their plan.

This session also includes an interactive Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive tips and advice about making changes to your plan.


Part 3: Lessons shared from employers who have taken control of their healthcare spend one strategy at a time. Starting on May 17/23, at noon EST.


If you want to discuss making important changes to your healthcare program or have any questions about the upcoming NextGen Healthcare Summit session, don’t hesitate to reach out.