Innovative Solutions For Your Benefits– Options Are Available. A well-designed, comprehensive benefits program plays an important part in your company’s ability to attract and retain top talent. But when that program is broadly offered with no clear purpose or direction, you may end up missing what your people are looking for.
Instead of providing a benefits plan that checks the boxes and covers the basics, design a program that solves a specific problem, or “Aim small, miss small!” If you aim too broadly, you may miss your target. By narrowing your line of view, and aiming small, you can create an opportunity to offer a benefits program that performs exceptionally well. Because when you know what you want to achieve, you know where to focus your efforts.
You have options.
A recent Human Resource Executive article found that “more than two-thirds of U.S. employers say they are looking to enhance their health and benefits offerings next year,” hoping to attract more talent while being mindful of their budgets as healthcare costs continue to rise. These numbers show that many employees realize a single solution, similar to the fixed nature of a traditional plan, may not be suitable for the modern workforce.
Employees are looking for flexibility and choice in their benefits programs. For example, a young employee with student debts to pay likely doesn’t have the same benefit needs as an older employee looking to retire. And although you may have to look at your benefits differently, many options are available that can support a variety of workplace needs. A strategic relationship with your advisor can help you discover these options and design strategies that satisfy employees’ needs as well as the company’s bottom line.
Your strategy could include options such as self-funding, level funding, cost and physician quality information, mental health resources, spiritual care, and more, depending on your business and employee needs. To discover the goal for your benefits program discussions should include:
Discussions with your advisor can help you pinpoint problem areas in your program that could be leading to increased costs or underutilization. For example, pharmacy programs are often a large expense and could be adjusted to allow for better pricing and more appropriate sourcing for those medications. The solution for your business will be unique and depend on the goal you want to achieve. Some employers have considered offering tailored benefits that align with their company culture such as:
Aiming small and getting creative with a solution that aligns with goals is not only important but something you and your employees can get excited about. Instead of delivering a cookie-cutter plan to your employees year after year, think outside the box and better represent your people and support your culture.
Innovative solutions are created when specific problems are discovered. If you want to discuss unique options for your benefits program, let’s chat!
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